Patna. The News ( Vidrohi). There is always confusion about the number of upper castes in Bihar. Due to this confusion, political parties have difficulty in equating the elections and they are also accused of not giving proper representation. The right report about the upper castes is being maintained here. This report has not been widely discussed, while the Upper Castes Commission, headed by retired judge of Allahabad High Court DK Trivedi, has submitted this report to CM Nitish Kumar. The report comes on the basis of the 2011 census when Bihar had a population of 10.4 million. According to the report, out of 10 crore 40 lakh, 1 crore 56 lakh population belongs to Brahmin, Rajput, Bhumihar and Kayastha. Among Muslims, the upper castes Sheikh, Syed and Pathan number 62 lakhs.
In this way, the number of upper castes in Bihar is about 20 percent. The highest number of Brahmins are 35 per cent among upper caste Hindus. Bhumihars are 20 percent. Rajputs are also around 35 percent while Kayasthas number 10 percent. All the facts are kept in the report prepared by Adri.

Till now the census of 1931 is considered authentic for ethnic figures. The Commission for High Castes has conducted a survey keeping the 1931 report in mind. According to the census of 1931, Bihar has 4.7 percent Brahmins, 4.2 percent Rajputs and 2.9 percent Bhumihars. About 1.2 percent are Kayasthas.

The Commission for High Castes submitted its report to Chief Minister Nitish Kumar in the year 2012 itself. Seeing the reality of this report, the government’s eyes were shocked. The report was put on hold. Because this report has mentioned the pathetic condition of rural upper castes. About 12 per cent of upper caste people still live in the village slums. They do not have a pucca house. It may be that after 2012, there has been some improvement in their conditions. The report did not get as much priority as it should have received, so wider interest is then being put before the report.